Tag: Natural living

  • 5 Reasons to Have A Natural Landscape

    With a blank slate of green space in need of landscaping, there had to be a way to create a beautiful garden that required minimal upkeep. Creating a natural landscape was the answer! As I started to look up prairie plants that were native to our area (zone 3a), I found a broad range of…

  • How Going Fragrance-Free Helped Cure My Headaches

    I never realized just how badly scents affected me until I stopped using them. Through my research, I was shocked to find out what companies aren’t telling us when they list “fragrance” or “parfum” in their ingredient list. And changing my consumer habits has made a world of difference in my health. My background with…

  • Natural Living – 5 Benefits and 5 Ways to Get Started

    What is natural living? Natural living is connecting with nature and choosing non-toxic food, home, and beauty products to help you and the environment lead a healthy life. Luckily, there is a lot of flexibility with natural living, and it can mean something different to each person. While there are many changes you can make,…